Flutter : Developing for Android & iOS

Hello! We are Team Smartherd with decades of experience in Web and Android Development. Welcome to our platform for sharing written content, where we aim to help all t.

Skills Covered: Android Development, iOS Development, Mobile Apps, Mobile Development, Google Play Store, App Store, Flutter.,

Author: Smartherd

Published Date: 22 February 2019

Free Video

Price: ₹1000

What you'll learn

Developing separate native apps for Android and iOS can be frustrating. Flutter is Google's solution to that. You can create a single app that runs on both Android and iOS with single code base to maintain. So what makes Flutter different from other hybrid frameworks such as Ionic, Cordova, React Native and Xamarin? Well, Flutter supports Just In TIme compilation for faster development during development cycle and when the app is realsed, it follows Ahead Of Time compilation for the end users which results in faster app execution without any jitters on a mobile device. Thus, it is a win-win for both developers and end-users. In this course, you’ll learn how to build apps with Flutter, the new mobile platform backed by Google. First, you’ll explore how to build a basic app with Flutter. Next, you’ll build a user interface and add interactivity. Finally, you’ll discover how to create a complete database app. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have a foundational knowledge of Flutter that will help you as you move forward to build great and successful mobile apps for Android and IOS with Flutter..

Content Modules

Following are the topics covered in the course

  • Flutter Tutorial for Beginners with Dart Develop Android and iOS Apps
  • Flutter Tutorial Dart Why develop Android and iOS apps using Flutter Introduction to Flutter
  • Flutter Installation for Windows, Mac OS and Linux
  • Flutter Hello World Tutorial Create First Flutter Application
  • First Flutter Application using Dart PART-2 Flutter Tutorial for Beginners using Dart
  • Flutter Tutorial for Beginners with Dart Organize your Dart code in the Flutter App PART-3
  • Flutter Apps Tutorial for Beginners Add logic to your app PART-4
  • Flutter Tutorial for Beginners using Dart Exploring Widgets in flutter using Dart
  • Flutter Container widget with Margin and Padding & Box Constraints
  • Flutter Custom Fonts in Text widget. Text Style in Flutter. Tutorial for Beginners using Dart
  • Flutter Row, Column and Expanded widget Tutorial
  • Flutter Image Asset ( Bitmaps ) Widget Example
  • Flutter Tutorial using Dart Raised Button and Alert Dialog Widget ( popup dialog )
  • Flutter How to create List in Flutter
  • Flutter Long List. Memory Efficient dynamic ListView tutorial
  • Flutter Floating Action Button ( FAB ) and Snack Bar Tutorial
  • Flutter Tutorial for Beginners with Dart Building Complete app using Stateful Widget
  • Flutter Stateful Widget Tutorial for Beginners Stateful vs Stateless Widget using Dart
  • Flutter Dart Tutorials Building first Stateful widget App in Flutter
  • Flutter DropdownButton Tutorial Dropdown Menu Item List for beginners Flutter with Dart
  • Flutter Design UI for Simple Interest Calculator App. Flutter Tutorial with Dart
  • Flutter Styles and Themes Tutorial using Dart. Flutter Tutorial for Beginners
  • Flutter Event Handling Add logical code Flutter Tutorial for Beginners using Dart
  • Flutter Form Validation Tutorial using TextFormField Flutter tutorial with Dart
  • Flutter SQFLite Database Tutorial Implement SQLite database with example Section Overview
  • Flutter Building UI for NoteKeeper App. [ SQLite Database Tutorial using SQFlite Plugin ]
  • Flutter Navigate to a new screen and back. Use WillPopScope and Perform Push and Pop operations
  • Dart & Flutter Asynchronous Tutorial using Future API, Await, Async and Then functions
  • Flutter SQFLite tutorial. What is SQLite database in Android and iOS with example
  • Flutter SQFLite tutorial Create Model Class to map SQLite Database Table
  • Flutter SQFLite tutorial CRUD Operation. Perform Insert, Fetch, Update and Delete Operation
  • Flutter SQFLITE Example Complete NoteKeeper App. CRUD Operation in SQLite
  • Flutter SQLite Database Tutorial using SQFLITE plugin Finishing Touches
  • Flutter Application Development using Dart Beginners Tutorials Summary

About the Instructor

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Hello! We are Team Smartherd with decades of experience in Web and Android Development. Welcome to our platform for sharing written content, where we aim to help all the students and developers as much as we can. Our main goal is to provide cutting-edge useful application development and designing tutorials that are easy to understand for students. We are also providing programming and application development tips to help you to be updated what is the current industry demands. At Smarther.


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